Author: admin
March Thoughts in 2023
Trees and flowers’ early blooms remind us of the Creative Force in the universe, and real self in each human, and how many people lost touch with both. Prayer, poetry, meditation, nature walks, honest conversation with partners or close friends make paths to those two realities healing many in appearance-addicted societies like the U. S.. Regarding…
Western Washington State in Fall is Alive with Trees, Fish, and Dreams
Western Washington State in fall is alive with trees, fish, and dreams, worth protecting if one has time and energy.
“Circus” COPS and Civil Society “Clowns”
Today Terry Slavin at quoted Sandrine Dixson-Declève, co-president of The Club of Rome, “I fear that COPs are becoming little more than a circus, with the petrostates as the ringmasters and us – civil society, progressive business and financial institutions, heads of state and negotiators from countries wanting climate action – are the clowns.…
Man Denies Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD
The Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum (c. 1821) by John Martin John Martin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons This poem satirically responds to elected officials who believe the climate crisis is a hoax, even with the ultraconservative IPCC’s 2019 dire warnings. I recall Jonathan Swift cared deeply about starvation in Ireland in 1729 so he wrote “A…
Good COP, Bad COP
COP27 gave new meaning to “Good cop, bad cop.” To use a football metaphor, imagine a fullback dropping the ball 27 consecutive games. Maybe it’s time to get a new fullback. In this case, that means two separate COPs each year, one with fossil fuel interests, and one without. Global media, governments, and citizens could…
Thinking About Climate Catastrophe and Peter Iredale Shipwreck Near Astoria, Oregon October 25, 1906
Charles Knowles from Meridian Idaho, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Thinking About Climate Catastrophe and Peter Iredale Shipwreck Near Astoria, Oregon October 25, 1906 London’s Board of Trade noted December 24, 1906 “an exceedingly heavy west north-west squall struck the vessel” overpowering captain and crew, forever grounding the 285 foot steel barque on…
Thinking About David Wallace-Wells, John Kerry, King Charles III, and António Guterres Before COP27
Yesterday I read David Wallace-Wells’ piece in The New York Times Magazine, “Beyond Catastrophe A New Climate Reality Is Coming Into View.” It was a good overview, though he had one grammar error, left out three essential items, and showed “optimism” I can’t share. Specifically, the grammar error was a missed question mark as in…
We Are Endangered Species
Since I mentioned Carl Sagan and the word “cosmos” in my two previous posts, I am including the image that went into outer space on Pioneer 10 and 11 plaques that he gave me permission to put on an organic T-shirt with the words “Endangered Species.” I was told he wore the T-shirt to a…
Letter to Global Bankers
Letter to Global Bankers Karma debt isn’t like credit debt.You can’t pay in U. S. dollars.You can’t escape it by dying. Bankruptcy isn’t an option.No matter who you know,you are never too big to fail. Offshore accounts don’t existin the cosmos. Giving prizesand greenwashing won’t work. Lifetime after lifetime after lifetimeyou can’t imagine the penaltyfor…
Redefinition Blues
Redefinition Blues “They are our cousins. Perhaps, the ones who come to my–my heroes, are the macaques, who are also known as rhesus monkeys. And when [ . . . ] participating in a horrendous experiment in the 1960s, in which they were offered food as a reward for shocking their fellows, for shocking…