Author: admin
2023 Widely Noted as Hottest in About 125,000 Years
A friend led boatbuilding crews overseas. He told me when someone said, “Don’t worry” it only meant one thing: “Worry.” This post’s headline, in a rational world, would be enough to topple Big Oil. Think about it. The “125,000” year claim, or close versions, appeared in citing “U.N.’s International Panel on Climate Change, the world’s…
“Every day you get older. Now that’s a law!” Butch Cassidy in film Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid (1969)
Reflecting on ever-escalating climate emergency, I recall a 3-minute film scene in Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid (1969) when Butch says, “Every day you get older. Now that’s a law!” It’s one of those cause and effect things. Many cultures note this cause and effect relation: > karma — Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism > “So I…
“130 nations at Cop28 [called] for a fossil fuel phase-out” but Big Oil and Major Oil-Producing Nations Said No
Yesterday, I wrote an angry response to COP28, then deleted before posting because it didn’t help, or add anything. A day later now, past the self-imposed “watch an ice cube fully melt before responding,” I will try more creativity, reflection, and at least one solution. As I wrote in my March 17, 2018 post, the goal…
A Good Time to Pray (post recycled from 1/9/18)
This is the first time I recycled a post. I thought it odd this post was visted recently until I read it again. Today I saw James Temple’s December 6, 2017 article “Global Warming’s Worst-Case Projections Look Increasingly Likely” in MIT Technology Review citing a paper in Nature that claimed “under the the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate…
Poem for COP28 in East Fork Eagle Creek, Columbia Gorge; James Hansen’s “Global warming in the pipeline” (revised 23 May 2023) notes “Equilibrium global warming including slow feedbacks for today’s human-made greenhouse gas (GHG) climate forcing (4.1 W/m2) is 10°C, reduced to 8°C by today’s aerosols.”; British Antarctic Survey researcher Dr. Kaitlin Naughten says “It looks like we’ve lost control of melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.” meaning, according to a related video, “slow addition of nearly 6 feet [1.8 meters] to sea levels” “in hundreds of years.”
Poem for COP28 in East Fork Eagle Creek, Columbia Gorge Below 172-foot Tunnel Falls a dead deer, maybe from crossing swift winter current. I’m guessing when flesh hit basalt it ended quick. Soon, coyotes would feast. I knew it was metaphor for something big but didn’t know how big. In a related…
Thinking About Antarctica
One of my most-visted posts August 4, 2023 quotes Graham Readfearn at The Guardian, July 29, 2023, and others, “[In Antarctica] an area bigger than Mexico has failed to freeze, worrying scientists.” Jess Thomson reported at July 26, 2023, “Eliot Jacobson, a retired professor of mathematics and computer science, using data from Japan’s National Institute of Polar…
Cain and Abel
Other Christians and I were discussing what a climate sermon would be. At first, I suggested the story of Gideon which shows how a small group of committed people make all the difference when supported by God. Later, I thought the story of Cain and Abel may be better. I mean Cain did not give…
Art for Global Political Leaders Before COP28
Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco Goya (1746–1828) The official position taken by the Wikimedia Foundation is that “faithful reproductions of two-dimensional public domain works of art are public domain”. This photographic reproduction is therefore also considered to be in the public domain in the United States. In other jurisdictions, re-use of this content may be restricted;…
Climate Story
I ran Climate Conversations for professors and students two years at one of the colleges where I taught. In one meeting I tried to make it simple. I said, “It’s like we’re on a plane that pilots will crash into a cliff [unless they get political clearance to land which seems unlikely]. There are some…
Two Questions Before COP28
I was encouraged by former UN chief Christiana Figueres’ comments reported by The Guardian‘s Dharna Noor September 21, 2023, “If [fossil fuel companies] are going to be [at COP28] only to be obstructors, and only to put spanners into the system, they should not be there.” The subtitle notes, “‘My patience ran out,’ said Christiana Figueres,…