Will COP26 Be the “great unraveling or great turning?”

JOANNA MACY: Climate Crisis As Spiritual Path from Old Dog Documentaries on Vimeo. (Used with permission.)

In the above video Rainer Maria Rilke translator, eco-philosopher, and 50-year activist Joanna Macy says “We’ve been thinking that we are consumers. [ . . . . ] all the time imprisioned in this shrunken sense of self. And now this [climate] crisis is telling us [ . . . ] ‘Wake Up! You are life on Earth!’” Macy was featured in the 2013 film THE WISDOM TO SURVIVE: Climate Change, Capitalism & Community (free until October 17th, 2021 with Vimeo account). The film editors wrote, “We feel Joanna’s wisdom and Rilke’s poetry have the power to help all of us face these difficult times.” She is a wise elder in a time desperate for wise elders.

Macy’s site notes, “Of all the dangers we face, from climate chaos to nuclear war, none is so great as the deadening of our response.” and “To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe – to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it, lungs that breathe it, organs that draw nourishment from it – is a wonder beyond words.” Please watch and share her great video above.

COP 26 in Glasgow, Scotland, also called 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, between November 1st and 12th, notes on its site “UNITING THE WORLD TO TACKLE CLIMATE CHANGE.” It seems the vast majority of climate scientists (“97 percent or more” according to NASA) and Earth’s citizens are already united. A better heading would be, “WILL POLITICAL AND CORPORATE LEADERS OF DEVELOPED NATIONS LISTEN TO THEIR SCIENTISTS, INDIGENOUS LEADERS, ADULT CITIZENS, YOUNG PEOPLE, AND CHILDREN TO REDUCE THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY ON BEHALF OF ALL LIVING AND UNBORN BEINGS ON EARTH?”

Thank you to the recent 94 visitors from Romania, 58 from France, 55 from Germany, 48 from Vietnam, 32 from Canada, 26 from Russia, 19 from the U.K., 14 from South Africa, and 13 from the Netherlands.


One response to “Will COP26 Be the “great unraveling or great turning?””

  1. Thank you,Scott,for helping us to share this interview with Joanna Macy. She is still going strong at age 92. A wise elder, indeed.

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