SOURCE TO SEA: The Columbia River Swim by Christopher Swain

Tonight I watched this excellent 2006 film about ancient and recent Columbia River History, and Christopher Swain’s “13 month swim down it’s 1243 mile length” to alert the public to the need to remove dams, clean up Hanford Nuclear Site, and preserve the river, and salmon, for future people.  This film should be required in all Pacific Northwest high schools.

Here is a quote, “Immediately upon the salmon’s return, alcoholism and suicide rates among teenage Umatilla tribal members began to drop. The beating heart of Umatilla culture had returned.”  Swain, and others, argue for removal of The Dalles Dam to bring back Celilo Falls.  I’ll repost my poem about Celilo below, and a Timeline video below that.  It was interesting to hear the voice of Jim Martin in SOURCE TO SEA which I recognized from my salmon activist days in Newport and Depoe Bay, Oregon, about 30 years ago.


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