Love in the Time of Coronavirus, and Widely-reported Arctic Record-breaking Heat

Creek not far from my house.
Big Leaf Maple.
Nearby barn owl.

Red Dragonfly of Transformation Appeared in the Garden

Suz cut my hair but it turned out lopsided as, due to her allergy, she only has one good eye. In return, I let her fish with my Lamiglas rod for the first time in 9 years we’ve been together. I explained there’s love, and then there’s love. There’s trust, and then there’s trust.

“Whatever,” she said, casting for spring salmon. Speaking of salmon, yesterday I asked her to make blueberry pancakes in the shape of salmon, and now she won’t make them at all. I don’t know why some people have to be so difficult. 

In more serious news, PBS NEWSHOUR yesterday posted a video about 6 minutes Why a ‘feverish’ Arctic will affect everyone on the globe. In the video “Dr. Merritt Turetsky, director of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado Boulder, [who] has studied the Arctic for decades” says “Permafrost is the glue of Arctic ecosystems [ . . . . ] Lakes can literally disappear in the period of a few weeks. These are lakes that have been used as fishing grounds for generations. [This is] because the permafrost thaws and it is like pulling the plug out of a bathtub.”

Previously on this blog I wrote about “Climate Grief” and, in another post, “One of my Native friends of many years told me in June [2019] some tribal elders said this may be the last human generation on Earth so it’s time for gratitude for many gifts received, and time to help young people as we can.”


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