Category: Uncategorized
Johan Rockström, IPCC, and World Leaders Bet Human Future on Fantasy-Scale Direct Air Capture, and Carbon Capture/Storage
Video begins at 33:47. Unsaid in the above video is that world leaders would rather use risky, and possibly war-producing, unilateral geoengineering than lose privilege and negative emission technologies fantasy. As Al Gore, former Harvard Fellow Ye Tao, and Kevin Anderson (above) have clearly shown, negative emission technologies are not realistic solutions given scale, rate…
Climate Disasters Are Here, and Worse Predicted to Come
I was fishing in Canada, and took a lunch break in a lodge where I sat beside two men in heated conversation. I wrote about this in my September 6, 2018 post. One was jilted by an attractive woman, and ranted about the injustice. The other listened awhile then said, “Look around!” In other words, “Notice…
Al Gore “Hot and Bothered” About Big Oil’s “Carbon Capture and Storage” and “Direct Air Capture” Plans
August 17, 2023 Update — CBS News anchor Errol Barnett interviewed Washington Post reporter Evan Halper about the multibillion dollar “Giant Direct Air Capture Vacuums” being built in Texas and Louisiana, and planned for other states. Halper said, “You just need to look outside to know the situation is desperate, and [ . . . ] we’re way behind…
Amazon Rainforest, Global Coral Reefs, and Bukowski
May 11, 2023, NASA scientist Peter Kalmus wrote, “I was just at a NASA team meeting for 3 days in DC. The scientific findings are so fucked up. Experts on tropical rainforests told me privately that they think the Amazon has already passed its tipping point. Let that sink in. The world needs to know.” I…
Climate Resilience Hubs, and Pulitzer Prize-winning Abrahm Lustgarten Reports “present pathway [ . . . . ] could lead to 2 billion people falling outside of the climate niche within just the next eight years, and 3.7 billion doing so by 2090”
Erin Stone reported July 31, 2023, at “How Resilience Hubs Can Help Communities Face The Heat And The Climate Emergency.” Her article noted, “In 2021, the state [of California] launched the Community Resilience Centers program to support and speed up resilience hub efforts [ . . . . ] [It was] originally allocated $160…
Heat Records and Retired Judge
Heat Records Various sources noted Phoenix, Arizona broke a record for consecutive days over 110 Fahrenheit (43.3 Celsius) at 23 days, and counting. (Update: later reported this went on for a “31-day streak.”) It was also noted the previous record was 18 days in 1974. These heatwaves are a global problem. July 5, 2023…
Bridge at the End of the World – New and Selected [Climate] Poems Won 2023 Blue Light Book Award
I’m grateful my new book of climate poems Bridge at the End of the World won a 2023 Blue Light Book Award. An ecopoem celebrates the nonhuman world, and part of humans that is anciently connected to that in our DNA, pre-industrial journeys, and unconscious. Ignoring nonhuman species, or otherwise devaluing them, harms the self, family, society, and…
1939 “Voyage of the Damned” and Climate Migration
The 1939 “Voyage of the Damned” is timely due to past, current, and future responses to climate migrants. Amy Tikkanen’s March 28, 2019 article “MS St. Louis” at noted, “May–June 1939 [ . . . ] Cuba, the United States, and Canada denied entry to its more than 900 Jewish passengers, most of whom had fled…
Two Climate Solutions and U. S. Supreme Court Decision
I agree with those who say it’s wrong to just document climate disasters without offering real solutions. I offered one March 31, 2019 in my post “Solution to Reducing Climate Change is Purple,” but, as far as I know, it was never taken seriously. Dr. Ye Tao (RF Alumnus of Rowland Institute at Harvard) offered…
Climate Bear and Rowboat
Extrapolations — Official Trailer | Apple TV+ In the above trailer Edward Norton’s character Jonathan Chopin says “I think it helps to look at climate change like a bear. The whole planet’s been wrestling with the bear for decades. So far, the bear’s been kicking our ass.” This reminds me of the end of my…