Category: Uncategorized

  • Developed Nations Are Like Gollum

    but you know that if you read my blog. Instead, this video could be a conversation-starter for people who don’t know. The recent good news was, as Manuela Andreoni updated June 1, 2024 in The New York Times, “Vermont to Require Fossil-Fuel Companies to Pay for Climate Damage–Under the country’s first ‘climate superfund’ law, Vermont…

  • I’ll Make It Simple

    Today I enjoyed listening to the May 13, 2024 YouTube “Jem Bendell reflects on a year since the release of ‘Breaking Together’ by Good Works.” For me, the best part begins at 7:22 on the timeline where he notes, “Since March 2023 the world’s climate also has gone particularly bonkers [ . . . .…

  • Solastalgia Blues

    When I was 9, the old Oregon forest behind my home was invaded by bulldozers making a new housing area. I later published a poem about it in Mobius – The Journal of Social Change included below: Initiation Poem “Corporations spend $2 billion each year targeted specifically on the young, intending to lure them into…

  • Melting Arctic Reminds Me of Pompeii in 79 AD

    Melting Arctic Reminds Me of Pompeii in 79 AD

    “Pompeii Garden of the Fugitives” by Lancevortex, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Reading’s 2022 “Key Takeaway: Summer Arctic sea ice extent is shrinking by 12.2% per decade due to warmer temperatures,” and recalling President Niinistö of Finland in Joint Press Conference with President Trump, August 28, 2017, “If we lose the Arctic, we lose the globe,” I…

  • Bad News for Emperor Penguins, Fish, Seals, and Whales in Antarctica; Good News for Climate Activists at U. S. Supreme Court

    Bad News for Emperor Penguins, Fish, Seals, and Whales in Antarctica Yesterday The Guardian Science Editor Robin McKie reported, “‘Simply mind-boggling’: world record temperature jump in Antarctic raises fears of catastrophe — An unprecedented leap of 38.5C in the coldest place on Earth is a harbinger of a disaster for humans and the local ecosystem.”  McKie…

  • 21st Century Man

    In reversal of Abraham Lincoln’s famous words, here is my quote for 21st Century Man: “Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a flower and planted a thistle where I thought a thistle would grow.” I thought of this when I read how…

  • Can AI Reduce the Climate Emergency? Maybe.

    Readers of this blog know the main obstacle to reducing the climate emergency is lack of political will in developed nations. However, recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) show AI could help decision-makers at all levels, in all places, reduce greenhouse gases/climate impacts as long as climate tipping points are not crossed before we get…

  • Outgoing U. S. Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry Refers to Global Public Apathy as “a kind of de facto signature on a suicide pact”

    In David Wallace-Wells March 6, 2024 New York Times interview “John Kerry: ‘I Feel Deeply Frustrated’,” Kerry was quoted about global public climate apathy, “I’ve likened it to a kind of de facto signature on a suicide pact.” Well, yeah. In my 2018 book Carbonfish Blues the end of my poem “Welcome to the Future” noted: “as…

  • Same Planet, Different Worlds

    World 1: Koala scorched in Australia due to massive fires according to a 2019 YouTube by The Sun with over 47 million views. The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) noted, “Nearly 6,382 koalas are estimated to have perished during the 2019/2020 bushfires, nearly 15% of the population.” My June 5, 2023 post linked a July 28, 2020…

  • It’s all so simple . . .

    It’s all so simple . . .

    It’s all so simple alone on a stream or listening in desert silence.   In 2014 I suggested “the term ‘climate destruction’ from now on — instead of the much less troubling global warming or climate change.” The term never caught on but it’s certainly what we are seeing with rapid ice loss in Greenland, Arctic,…