Author: admin
#DemocracyNow “‘Don’t Look Up’: David Sirota on His Oscar Nod for Writing Blockbuster Climate Crisis & Media Satire”
Regarding Don’t Look Up‘s tech billionaire Sir Peter Isherwell (Mark Rylance) attempting to profit from the death comet’s rare minerals, I recall Terry Macalister wrote about a real situation involving Royal Dutch Shell. “Shell accused of strategy risking catastrophic climate change” is about “an internal document [that] acknowledged [the effect of] a global temperature rise of 4C”…
Living in the Time of Dying (Free Documentary by Michael Shaw featuring Professor of Sustainability, Jem Bendell; Dharma teacher and author, Catherine Ingram; Award winning journalist and author, Dahr Jamail and Native American Elder, author and teacher Stan Rushworth)
See the link to the documentary at I understood when posting that Jem Bendell’s paper “Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy” is controversial among academics. For background, see Kiley Bense’s December 24, 2021 Inside Climate News article “In Deep Adaptation’s Focus on Societal Collapse, a Hopeful Call to Action.” The article mentions Ye Tao,…
Buffering the Climate Emergency
Koda defending his otter. Toula is our pug rescue. Toby is our 17-year old Jack Russell who jumps like a puppy. I followed Bill McKibben’s lead, and got a puppy to go with my two older dogs. Most dogs haven’t read the IPCC‘s dire reports. Deer, elk, squirrels, and wild birds are still magic to…
Arctic and Antarctic News (Record 38 degrees Celsius or 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit in Arctic confirmed by World Meteorological Organization.)
Used with permission of DW. January 17, 2022 Update: Three days ago Jeff Masters at Yale Climate Connections reported “Australia ties Southern Hemisphere’s all-time heat record of 123°F; epic heat cooks Argentina.” Thank you to the recent 352 visitors from Romania, 339 from United States, and 107 from France. As a reminder, President Niinistö of…
COP26 Report from Tim Crosland, Extinction Rebellion spokesperson and Director of Plan B.Earth
Used with permission of Extinction Rebellion. My deepest respect goes to Tim Crosland, Extinction Rebellion spokesperson and Director of Plan B.Earth, for keeping his focus on climate reality. Near the end of the Sky News approximately 7-minute broadcast, Adam Boulton says “But the way politics works you’ve got to take everyone along, and that recognition by the [COP26]…
Reframe, Redefine
Those who closely follow the climate emergency know even if we had COP26 global cooperation, and sincere GHG (greenhouse gas) reduction commitments by 2030, the climate future would be challenging. It’s important to note, according to Carbon Brief “[ . . . ] the US [ . . . ] is responsible for the largest share…
After the First Day of COP26 (began Sunday, October 31)
Used with permission of Extinction Rebellion. The gap between COP26 rhetoric and action reminds me of the end of Nirvana’s song “Smells Like Teen Spirit”: “A denial, a denial, a denial, a denial, a denial/ A denial, a denial, a denial, a denial.” Previously, I linked to their playing of David Bowie’s song “The Man…
Rethinking Weather Forecasts
Recently, a professor of statistics at my college said the probability of 115 F (46 C) in Seattle before June 2021 was zero, but it happened. He added at the time there were better odds buying one lottery ticket, and winning. In my August 4, 2021 post “Gauguin and July 2021,” I wrote about “120 Fahrenheit…
October 2021, Near a Washington State River
October 2021, Near a Washington State River On my truck gate, pulling up waders,branches snap in morning dark as a cougar stalks me. When it gets closer, I re-enter and wait untila fellow angler arrives and we descend in canyon. We split at two trails, and the cougar follows me.I toss rocks and yell at…
I Found Some of my 2006 Clay Art in the Garage
Donated to Washington State University, Vancouver Library Recent words of climate desperation are not encouraging. Jeff Goodell’s excellent 10/1/21 Rolling Stone article “Joe Manchin Just Cooked the Planet” noted, “As climate journalist Amy Westervelt put it with characteristic aplomb: ‘The change these motherfuckers are signing us up for is so many times more radical than any climate policy ever…