Author: admin
San Francisco Climate Clues, June 21, 2022
On a recent business trip to San Francisco, of course I wrote a climate poem: San Francisco Climate Clues, June 21, 2022 In Hotel Caza painting, room 418,orange octopus tentacles reach upthousands of feetunder Golden Gate Bridge like Nature making COVID-19, BA.4, BA.5,Atlantic and Gulf Coast hurricanes, fires,heatwaves, ice melt, sea rise, dead coralsdisrupting lives…
Industrial Oz Poem and Interview With Krista Hiser, Director at University of Hawai’i Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum
Industrial Oz is a drug to keep us away from ourselves. On a three-day solo fasting in the North Cascades illusions vanish, and three options appear in dreams by a wildflower creek: 1) Pretend life on Earth isn’t dying. 2) Pretend humans aren’t to blame. 3) Speak and write the truth. I’m grateful for a…
Climate Activist Speaks With Australian Coal Miners About Climate Change
Used with permission of Multimedia Journalist & Filmmaker Kim Paul Nguyen The above VICE News video with 750,175 views as of June 8, 2022, reminds me of my May 18, 2021 post “Thoughts and Prayers for Thousands of Klamath Falls, Oregon, Farmers/Ranchers, Facing Water Shut Off for ‘First Year in History’ as ‘Millions of Migrating Birds’ Suffer and ‘70% of […
Koda with toys
10-month-old American Shepherd understands importance of play,close observation,pushing limits of boundaries,value of half-chewed stuffed frog, eating when hungry,sleeping when tired,trusting smell,always removing labels. Emotionally available,he is better companythan many scholarswho understand human impacts of climate crisislike Koda understands origin of the universe. In a related matter, my favorite recent climate article is “The kids are not…
Spaceship Earth
Spaceship Earth — for NASA Scientist Peter Kalmus It’s like we’re on Spaceship Earthand our top navigators warnwe will soon collide with asteroid beltunless we change course..00000005 percent get to vote.
IPCC AR6 Part III (Translation: Global Leaders AWOL)
Bill McKibben wrote it best in his Substack publication The Crucial Years, “At 5 a.m. this morning [April 4, 2022] we were supposed to get the report from Working Group 3 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. It didn’t come—because delegates were still arguing. And the arguments were over the two most fundamental questions of the…
Plain Speaking About IPCC’s Second Part of the Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Summary for Policy Makers (signed off by 195 member nations). Clarification by Dr. Charlie Gardner of University of Kent, and Clare Farrell of Extinction Rebellion UK
Used with permission of Extinction Rebellion. March 20-22, 2022 Update — Fiona Harvey at The Guardian reported “Heatwaves at both of Earth’s poles alarm climate scientists.” The article noted “Antarctic areas reach 40C [70 degrees Fahrenheit] above normal at same time as north pole regions hit 30C [50 degrees Fahrenheit] above usual levels” and “Startling heatwaves at both…
Three Sockeye in the Columbia River, Oregon
The first had no eyes.The second no tongue.The third fungus gills. “Salmon people have spoken,”said the fishermanto others who stared in disbelief. Finally, someone asked, “What did they say?”Water is too hot to survive, and you’re next.Unless you listen and change,the curse you put on us will be on you, and your children. * Click…
Dr Ye Tao talks with Clare Farrell | 23 November 2021 | Extinction Rebellion UK
Used with permission of Extinction Rebellion. Dr. Ye Tao gives an excellent presentation weaving in social equity, and the need for nonprofit science-based solutions benefiting people in all countries such as mirrored roof tiles in India to reduce suffering during extreme heat events. March 6, 2022 Update: Dave Borlace’s Just Have a Think posted a…
The Last Two Men on Earth
The Last Two Men on Earth — parts of this poem appeared in my February 23, 2020 post “Climate Lifeboats of the Rich and Famous?” I recall when it was reported Bill Gates bought — then didn’t buy — Sinot’s AQUA, “the world’s first hydrogen-powered yacht for $650 million” according to’ s Taylor Gorden and…