Author: admin
Surfing Into Oblivion
When I taught in San Diego 23 years, I surfed with my students. I recall an evening a bold one stole my wave, and I said, “If you take my wave again, you will lose 50 points on your next essay!” It worked. It was about using creative nonviolence. Now, thinking how relatively few greedy…
250 Trillion Dollars or Bust (Probably Bust)
Recently, climate writer Tad DeLay, in the CGTN YouTube “The Heat: Extreme Weather,” said at 13:29 on the timeline, “Carbon dioxide is the temperature knob, and it is also the mass extinction knob. And we need to ask ourselves why we are not able to stop the progress of this storm, and in my book…
Yellow Raincoat
Recently, I saw a man with a bright yellow raincoat fishing a clear river. On rivers where I regularly catch low-water steelhead trout, he could go daily for 50 years, and never hook one. The reason is that bright yellow raincoat tells fish, “BEWARE! I AM HERE TO EAT YOU!” If the angler is not…
I Know a Guy Who Put More Care into Choosing a Fly Rod Than a Wife
I know a guy who put more care into choosing a fly rod than a wife. For others, skiing or snowboarding are the main attractions in this world. If collective humanity fails to rise up nonviolently against relatively few greedy and/or stubborn men destroying so much with fossil fuels, then fly fishing, skiing, snowboarding and…
Defining Success
When I returned from fishing, my wife asked, “How was it?” “Great,” I said, “I only fell once, and got up.” As I age, river stones get slicker, and my balance is not as good. I have many bruises to show for my fish. Still, I prefer to do it this way than eat farmed/aquaculture…
A Shut Off AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Driven by a North/South Saltwater Density Pump) “is a Distaster We Need to Avoid at All Costs” says Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research & Professor of Physics of the Oceans
It may be too late says Stefan Rahmstorf who studied this more than 30 years. At 27:24 on the YouTube “Tipping risk of the Atlantic Ocean’s overturning circulation, AMOC. Keynote by Prof. Rahmstorf,” he says, “We could have even already passed [the AMOC tipping point] without noticing because nothing drastic happens at that point except…
Developed Nations Are Like Gollum
but you know that if you read my blog. Instead, this video could be a conversation-starter for people who don’t know. The recent good news was, as Manuela Andreoni updated June 1, 2024 in The New York Times, “Vermont to Require Fossil-Fuel Companies to Pay for Climate Damage–Under the country’s first ‘climate superfund’ law, Vermont…
I’ll Make It Simple
Today I enjoyed listening to the May 13, 2024 YouTube “Jem Bendell reflects on a year since the release of ‘Breaking Together’ by Good Works.” For me, the best part begins at 7:22 on the timeline where he notes, “Since March 2023 the world’s climate also has gone particularly bonkers [ . . . .…
Solastalgia Blues
When I was 9, the old Oregon forest behind my home was invaded by bulldozers making a new housing area. I later published a poem about it in Mobius – The Journal of Social Change included below: Initiation Poem “Corporations spend $2 billion each year targeted specifically on the young, intending to lure them into…
Melting Arctic Reminds Me of Pompeii in 79 AD
“Pompeii Garden of the Fugitives” by Lancevortex, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Reading’s 2022 “Key Takeaway: Summer Arctic sea ice extent is shrinking by 12.2% per decade due to warmer temperatures,” and recalling President Niinistö of Finland in Joint Press Conference with President Trump, August 28, 2017, “If we lose the Arctic, we lose the globe,” I…