Reframe, Redefine

Those who closely follow the climate emergency know even if we had COP26 global cooperation, and sincere GHG (greenhouse gas) reduction commitments by 2030, the climate future would be challenging. It’s important to note, according to Carbon Brief “[ . . . ] the US [ . . . ] is responsible for the largest share of historical emissions, [ . . .] with some 20% of the global total.” while China, ranked second, is responsible for “11%, followed by Russia (7%), Brazil (5%) and Indonesia (4%).” Carbon Brief added “The latter pair are among the top 10 largest historical emitters, due to CO2 from their land.”

I had to reframe the issue into who and what may be protected for how long, and redefine success as keeping alignment with one’s conscience for atheists, and God for believers. Writer Dahr Jamial said, as I wrote and posted in a video before, “‘What do we do knowing all of that [bad news about the climate emergency], [ . . . ] and I think more importantly, how are we going to be in what we do?’ He suggests Cherokee Elder Stan Rushworth’s point about ‘rights vs obligations.’ Jamail said, ‘I am obliged, no matter what, to serve future generations, and to serve the planet. [ . . . . ] Since we’ve never been here, we don’t know what’s going to happen. [ . . . . ] One of the stories that I write about is being up on a peak in the Deception Basin area in the Olympics [ . . .] at 7,000 feet, roughly 2000 feet above treeline, [and] there is this tree growing [ . . .] out of this [ . . . ] crack in this rock. [ . . . ] Given half a chance, life is going to persist. [ . . . . ] The two questions I’ll send you home to ponder are’: ‘Where do you go to listen to Mis Misa [healing, and centering place]?’ and ‘When was the last time you went there to listen?’” 

102-year-old “independent scientist” and originator of  the Gaia hypothesis James Lovelock wrote a COP26 Opinion in The Guardian Nov. 2, 2021, “Beware: Gaia may destroy humans before we destroy the Earth.” In the article Lovelock warned “But my fellow humans must learn to live in partnership with the Earth, otherwise the rest of creation will, as part of Gaia, unconsciously move the Earth to a new state in which humans may no longer be welcome. The virus, Covid-19, may well have been one negative feedback. Gaia will try harder next time with something even nastier.”

To help students, and others, understand pressure on world leaders regarding “climate risk management,” watch the approximately 14 minute video “Paying For Predictions” game designed by Pablo Suarez and Janot Mendler de Suarez for the Red Cross / Red Crescent Climate Centre.


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