Lost Salmon (Published), Hawk on Wire: Ecopoems (Fomite Will Publish in 2017), A Creek I Never Fished (Started)

My new book of fishing/eco-poems from MoonPath arrived.  Click here to order. I’m grateful to
Jennifer Williams for great cover art, and to Thomas Rain Crowe, Frank Amato, Jon Broderick,
Henry Hughes, David Joy, Marty Sherman, Jack Driscoll, and Larry Gavin for helpful blurbs.
Honey Goat With Baby Goat
Reaching for clouds or fly line?
Southern Oregon Traffic Jam
Wood Pile left by “Nom Rat”

At PLAYA in December I finished my 79-page Lost Salmon and had it published July 11 by MoonPath near Seattle.  Earlier this month, in my second PLAYA residency, I finished my 62-page Hawk on Wire: Ecopoems (previously titled Chewaucan Wars), and started A Creek I Never Fished. I met wonderful residents and locals, and caught some fish.  In nearby Paisley, I saw this cardboard sign:


Name your price”

On a distant river, I had an interesting conversation with a local:

Wrong Turn

The local says nom rats cut and stacked wood piles.

“They must be big,” I offer.

“They is,” he says, “the size of John Deere tractors.”
I laugh and ask for a fishing spot.

“Well, you’ll need a detailed map,” he smiles.

“How detailed?” I ask.


Thanks to Northwest Fishing Reports for publishing my new article “Hook More Fish.”

Thanks to The Columbian newspaper in Vancouver, WA, for publishing my letter to the editor in which I wrote “By now it’s obvious, saving climate from catastrophe means saving salmon from catastrophe.”


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