“climate and weather events displaced more than 1 million Americans from their homes last year”

I appreciated Rolling Stone contributing editor Jeff Goodell’s recent article from which the quote above was taken.  The article “Welcome to the Age of Climate Migration” gives news that is needed. He is also the author of an interesting book The Water Will Come: Rising Seas, Sinking Cities, and the Remaking of the Civilized World praised by Bill McKibbenElizabeth KolbertSenator Sheldon Whitehouse, and others. Goodell gave me permission to use a quote from his book as an epigraph to introduce my new book Carbonfish Blues (Fomite, 2018), a collaboration with English artist Guy Denning providing sketches, murals, and paintings of activism, refugees, human vulnerability, and realism. Goodell wrote “Fish will school in classrooms. Oysters will grow on submerged light poles.”


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