In 2007 Serge Planton of Meteo-France Warned of European Heatwave “Every two years after 2017”

Many have heard of the June/July 2019 European heatwave, heat records in Alaska, and recent California tidal mussels cooked in shells. Regarding background, according to BBC Studios “3000 people died in Paris on one excessively hot Monday in 2003,” and according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), that event “was the hottest in continental Europe since at least 1540.” According to a Wikipedia cite, “Peer-reviewed analysis [placed] the European death toll [for the 2003 event] at more than 70,000.” What is most haunting about that event is Serge Planton of Meteo-France’s 2007 warning “Of course the heatwave of 2003 is very exceptional. What is projected now from our simulation is that we should have such an occurrence of a heatwave every two years after 2017.”


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